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Author: Paisible, James & Mr. Isaac

Title: The Royall: Mr. Isaac's new dance made for Her Majesty's birth day

Year: 1711?]

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Penhallow, Samuel, 1665-1726

Title: The History of the Wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians; or, a narrative of their continued perfidy &

Year: 1726/1859

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Penington, Isaac; Fox, George; Penn, Wil

Title: The works of the long-mournful & sorely-distressed Isaac Penington, [v1] ... the ministry of that despised peo

Year: 1784 3dLond

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: EarlhamSchoolR

Author: Penington, Isaac; Fox, George; Penn, Wil

Title: The works of the long-mournful & sorely-distressed Isaac Penington, [v2] ... the ministry of that despised peo

Year: 1784 3dLond

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: EarlhamSchoolR

Author: Penington, Isaac; Fox, George; Penn, Wil

Title: The works of the long-mournful & sorely-distressed Isaac Penington, [v3] ... the ministry of that despised peo

Year: 1784 3dLond

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: EarlhamSchoolR

Author: Penington, Isaac; Fox, George; Penn, Wil

Title: The works of the long-mournful & sorely-distressed Isaac Penington, [v4] ... the ministry of that despised peo

Year: 1784 3dLond

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: EarlhamSchoolR

Author: Penn, William

Title: A Key, Opening the Way to Every Capacity How to Distinguish the Religion Professed by the People Called Quaker

Year: 17thc

Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Penn, William 1644-1718

Title: A collection of the works of William Penn. [v1] To which is prefixed a journal of his life, with many original

Year: 1726 Lond.

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: EarlhamSchoolR

Author: Penn, William 1644-1718

Title: A collection of the works of William Penn. [v2] To which is prefixed a journal of his life, with many original

Year: 1726 Lond.

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: EarlhamSchoolR

Author: Petit-Didier, Jean Joseph

Title: Dissertation theologique et canonique sur les prests par obligation stipulative d'interests usitez en Lorraine

Year: 1765 Nancy

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Petre, D. fl. 1705

Title: Medicinal Recipe Book [cookbook; digital facsimile]

Year: 1705

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: SCETI

Author: Philidor, Francois Danican 1726-1795

Title: Te Deum laudamus

Year: 1786

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Philips, Ambrose, 1674-1749

Title: Pastorals, epistles, odes, & other original poems, with translations from Pindar, Anacreon, & Sappho

Year: 1748 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Phillips, Catharine

Title: Memoirs of the life of Catherine Phillips: to which are added some of her epistles

Year: 1798 Phila.

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: EarlhamSchoolR

Author: Phillips, George

Title: Origin of the days of the week as deriv'd from ye planets formerly worship'd on those days [writing blank; pl

Year: 1768

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Oxford Univ

Author: Phillips, John

Title: Familiar Dialogues on Dancing, Between a Minister and a Dancer

Year: 1798

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Philotheus, Henry Johnson, Pedro Lozano

Title: A True and Particular History of Earthquakes: Containing A Relation of that Dreadful Earthquake ...

Year: 1748

Price: Free

Publisher: Intnt Archive

Author: Phipps, Joseph

Title: The original & present state of man, briefly considered: wherein is shewn, the nature of his fall, & the neces

Year: 1788 NY rep

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: EarlhamSchoolR

Author: Piazza, Girolamo Bartolomeo

Title: A short & true account of the Inquisition & its proceedings, as it is practis'd in Italy, set forth in some pa

Year: 1722 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Pickersgill, Richard

Title: A concise account of voyages for the discovery of a North-West Passage. Undertaken for finding a new way to th

Year: 1782 Lond

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UGoettingen

Author: Pliny

Title: Pliny's Epistles in Ten Books: Volume 1, Books 1-6

Year: 1723

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: Plowden, Francis, 1749-1829

Title: A treatise upon the Law of Usury & Annuities [usury laws -- Great Britain]

Year: 1797 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Poinsinet, Antoine Alexandre Henri

Title: L'inoculation: poeme: a Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans

Year: 1756 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard:

Author: Polwhele, Richard

Title: The Unsex'd Females ["the viability of the tradition of misogynist lit."-Wikipedia]

Year: 1798

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaETextL

Author: Pontmartin, Armand

Title: The history and philosophy of earthquakes, from the remotest to the present times

Year: 1757 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: Epistles to Several Persons: Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot

Year: 1735

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: Pope's Preface to his Translation of Homer's Iliad

Year: 1715

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: Preface to His Translation of Homer's Iliad

Year: 1715

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: The Dunciad: Book IV [excerpts]

Year: 1742/43

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: The Rape of the Lock: Canto 1

Year: 1712/14/17

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: The Rape of the Lock: Canto 2

Year: 1712/14/17

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: The Rape of the Lock: Canto 3

Year: 1712/14/17

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: The Rape of the Lock: Canto 4

Year: 1712/14/17

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: The Rape of the Lock: Canto 5

Year: 1712/14/17

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Pope, Alexander

Title: The Works of Alexander Pope, v 1: Juvenile Poems

Year: 1752 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: Google

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