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Author: Le Rouge, George Louis

Title: Detail des nouveau jardins a la mode

Year: 1777 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UWiscMadison

Author: Lead, Jane

Title: A Fountain of Gardens: Vol 3, part 1, 1678 [journal]

Year: 1700 Lond

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: PassTheWord

Author: Lead, Jane

Title: A Fountain of Gardens: Vol 3, part 2, 1679-1686 [journal]

Year: 1701 Lond

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: PassTheWord

Author: Lead, Jane

Title: A Living Funeral Testimony, or, Death Overcome & Drown'd in the Life of Christ...

Year: 1702 Lond

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: PassTheWord

Author: Lead, Jane

Title: The Wars of David and the Peaceable Reign of Solomon

Year: 1700 Lond

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: PassTheWord

Author: Ledyard, John

Title: A Journal of Captain Cook's Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, & in Quest of a North-West passage Between Asia

Year: 1783 Hartf

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Lee, Sophia

Title: Almeyda, Queen of Gredada

Year: 1796

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: StanfordUniv

Author: Leibniz, Gottfried

Title: La Monadologie [in French]

Year: 1714

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: BiblioUnivsell

Author: Leibniz, Gottfried

Title: The Monadology [metaphysical treatise frm leading Rationalist of the 18th c]

Year: 1714

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: PrattInst

Author: Leibniz, Gottfried

Title: The Monadology (sec 1-90) [metaphysical treatise frm leading Rationalist of the 18th c]

Year: 1714

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: MarxistIntAchv

Author: Lennox, Charlotte

Title: The Life of Harriot Stuart, Written by Herself

Year: 1750

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVa-AmStd

Author: Lenoir, Alexandre, 1761-1839; Musee des monuments

Title: Description historique et chronologique des monumens de sculpture, reunis au Musee des monumens francais [schulpture; glass painting]

Year: 1797 Paris

Price: Free

Publisher: GettyResInst

Author: Leonardo de Argensola, Bartolome, 1562-1

Title: The discovery & conquest of the Molucco & Phillipine islands. Their history ... description ... habits, shape,

Year: 1708

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: LeSage, Alain-Rene

Title: Gil Blas [picaresque]

Year: 1700-30?

Format: Html Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: ExClassics

Author: Leslie, Charles, 1650-1722

Title: The case of the Regale and the pontificate stated ... concerning the independency of the church ... [w/The royal supremacy; "new ed."]

Year: 1702/1838

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim

Title: The Education of the Human Race (tr. by F.W. Robertson) [Religion]

Year: 1778

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ModHstSourceBk

Author: Leupold, Jacob

Title: Theatri Machinarum Hydraulicarum v 1

Year: 1725 Leipzg

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Leupold, Jacob

Title: Theatri Machinarum Hydraulicarum v 2

Year: 1725 Leipzg

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Leupold, Jacob

Title: Theatrum Machinarum Generale: Schau-Platz des Grundes mechanischer Wissenschafften: das ist: deutlich

Year: 1724 Leipzg

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Lewis, Matthew Gregory

Title: Ambrosio, or The Monk

Year: 1796

Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Lhuyd, Edward, 1660-1709

Title: Edvardi Luidii apud Oxoniensis Cimeliarchae Ashmoleani Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia: Sive Lapidum ali

Year: 1760 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Oxford Univ

Author: Liberty, Francis

Title: Letter of Thanks to the Barber for his indefatigable pains to supress the horrid & unnatural rebellion Lately

Year: 1747 Dublin

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: Villanova

Author: Limborch, Philippus van, 1633-1712

Title: The History of the Inquisition (Tr. Samuel Chandler) 2vols. [&] Introduction concerning the Rise & Progress of

Year: 1731 Lond.

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Linguet, Simon Nicolas Henry, 1736-1794

Title: Reflexions sur la lumiere, ou, Conjectures sur la part qu'elle a au movement des corps celestes [optics; celestial mechanics]

Year: 1784 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778

Title: Materia medica, Liber I. de plantis. Secundum genera, loca, nomina, qualitates, vires, differentias, duratione

Year: 1749Holmiae

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CMU-Posner

Author: Little, Janet, 1759-1813

Title: The Poetical Works of Janet Little, the Scotch Milkmaid

Year: 1792

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UCDavisEn

Author: Lloyd, John

Title: LA Short Tour, or ... Discription of the County of Clare, with ... observations

Year: 1780 Ennis

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ClareCoLibr

Author: London Gazette Office.

Title: Bulletins and Other State Intelligence for 1795

Year: 1795 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: London Yearly Meeting (Soc. of Friends)

Title: Extracts from the minutes & advices of the Yearly meeting of Friends held in London, from its first institutio

Year: 1783 Lond.

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: EarlhamSchoolR

Author: Longworth, David, 1765?-1821; Longworth, Thomas

Title: Longworth's American almanack, New-York register, & city directory: for1797

Year: 1797 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UPittsburgh

Author: Lonvay de la Saussaye, de

Title: Alcidonis; ou, La journee lacedemoniene.Comedie en trois actes, avec interm des

Year: 1768 Paris

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Lucas, Richard

Title: Lucas's Directory, 1788 [Ennis only, Co. Clare; frm: General Directory of the Kingdom of Ireland of 1788; mos

Year: 1788

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ClareCoLibr

Author: Luchet, Jean-Pierre-Louis de

Title: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire du l'annee 1789, v 1: Janvier, Fevrier, Mars & Avril

Year: 1790 Paris

Price: Free

Publisher: Google

Author: Luchet, Jean-Pierre-Louis de

Title: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire du l'annee 1789, v 2: Mai & Juin

Year: 1790 Paris

Price: Free

Publisher: Google

Author: Luchet, Jean-Pierre-Louis de

Title: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire du l'annee 1789, v 4: Octobre, Novembre & Decembre

Year: 1790 Paris

Price: Free

Publisher: Google

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