43 44 45 46 47 48

Author: Kessler, Jascha

Title: After the Armies Have Passed

Year: 1970

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: CAPA

Author: Kessler, Jascha

Title: In Memory of the Future

Year: 1976

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: CAPA

Author: Kessler, Jascha

Title: Whatever Love Declares

Year: 1969

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: CAPA

Author: Kessler, Jascha (19??- )

Title: After the Armies Have Passed

Year: 1970

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ConnColl

Author: Kessler, Jascha (19??- )

Title: In Memory of the Future

Year: 1976

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ConnColl

Author: Kessler, Jascha (19??- )

Title: Whatever Love Declares

Year: 1969

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ConnColl

Author: Key, Francis Scott

Title: Defence of Fort M'Henry (The Stars & Stripes Forever)

Year: 1814

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Khan, Khwushhal

Title: Afghan poetry of the 17th century: being selections from the poems of Khushhal Khan Khatak (tr. C E Biddulph)

Year: 1890 Lond.

Format: PDF .

Price: Free

Publisher: UNebraska

Author: Khayyam, Omar

Title: The Rubaiyat (tr. Edward H. Whinfield)

Year: c1120/1917

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MedvSourceBk

Author: Khayyam, Omar

Title: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam


Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Khayyam, Omar

Title: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (English & Danish; Tr. Edward Fitzgerald)


Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Khodasevich, Vladislav

Title: Selected Poems (tr. Yevgeny Bonver)

Year: 1995/2001

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: PoetryLovers

Author: Kidd, Adam (1802-1831)

Title: The Huron Chief

Year: 1830?

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UWesternOnt

Author: Kidd, Adam (1802-1831)

Title: The Huron Chief, & Other Poems

Year: 1830

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Kilgore, James C

Title: African Violet, Poem For A Black Woman

Year: 1982

Price: 5.00

Publisher: LotusPress

Author: Killigrew, Anne

Title: Poems


Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: WomWriUPa

Author: Killigrew, Anne

Title: Selected Poetry of ANNE KILLIGREW (1660-1685)

Year: 1996

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918

Title: Main street & other poems

Year: 1917

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: HTI-UMich

Author: Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918

Title: Main Street, Other Poems


Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918

Title: Selected Poetry of JOYCE KILMER (1886-1918)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918

Title: Trees and Other Poems


Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: King, Benjamin Franklin [b. Michigan]

Title: Selected Poetry of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN KING (1857-1894)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: King, Henry

Title: Selected Poetry of HENRY KING (1592-1669)

Year: 1996

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: King, Mary Perry & Bliss Carman

Title: Earth Deities and Other Rhythmic Masques

Year: 1914

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: HTI-UMich

Author: King, Thomas Starr, 1824-64

Title: The White hills; their legends, landscape, & poetry. (60 illus. engraved; drawings by Wheelock)


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Kingsley, Charles, 1819-1875

Title: Poems

Year: 1856 Bostn

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Kingsley, Charles, 1819-1875

Title: Selected Poetry of CHARLES KINGSLEY (1819-1875)

Year: 1996-01

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Kinney, Arthur F., 1933-

Title: Continental Humanist Poetics

Year: 1989

Price: 40.00

Publisher: UMassPress

Author: Kinney, Arthur F., 1933-

Title: Faulkner's Narrative Poetics

Year: 1978

Price: 35.00

Publisher: UMassPress

Author: Kinney, Arthur F., 1933-

Title: Humanist Poetics

Year: 1986

Price: 40.00

Publisher: UMassPress

Author: Kinsley, Robert

Title: Field Stones: Poems by Robert Kinsley

Year: 1997

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: OhioUniv

Author: Kipling, Rudyard

Title: Departmental Ditties and Other Verses [in 1vWorks collection]

Year: 1886

Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Kipling, Rudyard

Title: The Ballad of East and West


Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: PoetsCorner

Author: Kipling, Rudyard

Title: Verses 1889-1896


Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Kirby, William (1817-1906)

Title: Spring; Stoney Creek

Year: 1880

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

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