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Author: Kirby, William, 1817-1906

Title: Spring: Stoney Creek [poetry; War of 1812]

Year: 1880 Toront

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Kirkpatrick, Gwen

Title: The Dissonant Legacy of Modernismo: Lugones, Herrera y Reissig, & the Voices of Modern Spanish American Poetry

Year: 1989

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Klein, A.M. (1909-1972)

Title: A.M. Klein: Selected Poems (w/biography & bibliography)

Year: various

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Knapp, M. Emma

Title: Lyrics of the Past, & Other Poems

Year: 1872

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Knister, Raymond

Title: Selected Poetry of RAYMOND KNISTER (1899-1932)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Knox, Isa Craig

Title: Selected Poetry of ISA CRAIG KNOX (1831-1903): The Incarnation

Year: 2003

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Kostelanetz, Richard

Title: The New Poetries And Some Old

Year: 1991

Price: 26.95

Publisher: SIllinoisUPr

Author: Kress, Leonard

Title: The Centralia Mine Fire

Year: 1987

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: CAPA

Author: Kress, Leonard (19??- )

Title: The Centralia Mine Fire

Year: 1987

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ConnColl

Author: Ku wen chen pao

Title: Senkai kobun shimp ksh [Chinese literature & poetry (Selections: Extracts, etc.)]

Year: 1910 Tokyo

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Kuhnheim, Jill S

Title: Gender, Politics, And Poetry In Twentieth-century Argentina

Year: 1996

Price: 49.95

Publisher: UPrFlorida

Author: Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich

Title: Fuji in a Saucer: The Poem [frm 100 Views of Mt. Fuji] [poetry]

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: DalhousieU

Author: Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich

Title: Paraboly (tr. John Albert Barnstead) [poetry; English & Russian]

Year: 1922

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: DalhousieU

Author: Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich

Title: Selected Poems (tr. Yevgeny Bonver)

Year: 1995/2001

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: PoetryLovers

Author: Lacy, B

Title: Miscellaneous Poems Compos'd at Newfoundl &, on board His Majesty's Ship the Kinsale

Year: 1729

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Laine, Henry Allen

Title: Foot Prints

Year: 1924

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: KentuckyDLib

Author: Lamartine, Alphonse de, 1790-1869

Title: Oeuvres de Lamartine] Premieres et nouvelles, Meditations Poetiques; de la morte de Socrate; du Pelerinage de

Year: 1862 Paris

Price: Free

Publisher: Google

Author: Lampman, Archibald

Title: Alcyone

Year: 1899

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Lampman, Archibald

Title: Among the Millet & Other Poems

Year: 1888

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Lampman, Archibald

Title: Lyrics of Earth

Year: 1895

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Lampman, Archibald

Title: Selected Poetry of ARCHIBALD LAMPMAN (1861-99)

Year: 1997

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Lampman, Archibald, 1861-1899

Title: Among the Millet & other poems

Year: 1888 Ottawa

Price: Free

Publisher: VictoriaU(Can)

Author: Lampson, Frederick Locker

Title: Selected Poetry of FREDERICK LOCKER LAMPSON (1821-1895)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Landon, Letitia Elizabeth (L.E.L.) 1802-

Title: Selected Poetry of LETITIA ELIZABETH LANDON (1802-1838)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Landor, Walter Savage

Title: Gebir

Year: 1798

Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Landor, Walter Savage

Title: Selected poetry

Year: 1795--

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: LitHeritageUK

Author: Landor, Walter Savage

Title: Selected Poetry of WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR (1775-1864)

Year: 1994-97

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Landor, Walter Savage

Title: To Robert Browning

Year: 1845

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Lang, Andrew

Title: Ballads in Blue China

Year: 1880/1911

Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Lang, Andrew

Title: Ballads, Lyrics, and Poems of Old France


Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Lang, Andrew

Title: Ban & Arriere Ban, A Rally of Fugitive Rhymes

Year: 1894

Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Lang, Andrew

Title: New Collected Rhymes

Year: 1905

Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Lang, Andrew

Title: R. F. Murray: His Poems with a Memoir


Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Lang, Andrew

Title: Selected Poetry of ANDREW LANG (1844-1912)

Year: 2003

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Lang, Andrew

Title: Theocritus, Bion & Moschus rendered into English Prose


Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

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