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Author: Pittsburgh (Pa.)

Title: Woodward & Rowlands' Pittsburgh directory for 1852: ... names of the inhabitants of Pittsburgh & Allegheny.

Year: 1852 Pittsb

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Publisher: HstPittsburgh

Author: Plattard, Jean, 1873-1939

Title: The life of Francois Rabelais

Year: 1930 Lond.

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Publisher: UToronto

Author: Platts, Una

Title: Nineteenth Century New Zealand Artists: A Guide & Handbook

Year: 1990

Format: Html

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Publisher: VictoriaU(NZ)

Author: Plummer, Mark A.

Title: Lincoln's Rail Splitter: Governor Richard J. Oglesby

Year: 2001

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Publisher: UIllinoisPr

Author: Podmore, Frank

Title: Robert Owen, A Biography, v 1 [illus.]

Year: 1906

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Publisher: Google

Author: Polk, James Knox, 1795-1849

Title: The diary of James K. Polk during his presidency, 1845 to 1849

Year: 1910 Chi.

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Pollard, Henry Robinson

Title: Memoirs & sketches of the life of Henry Robinson Pollard; autobiography

Year: c1923

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Author: Poore, Benjamin Perley, 1820-1887

Title: 1848W] Life of Gen. Zachary Taylor: the Whig candidate for the presidency (copy 1) [campaign lit., 1848 -- Wh

Year: 1848] Bost.

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Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Poore, Benjamin Perley, 1820-1887

Title: 1848W] Life of Gen. Zachary Taylor: the Whig candidate for the presidency (copy 2) [campaign lit., 1848 -- Wh

Year: 1848] Bost.

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Author: Poore, Benjamin Perley, 1820-1887

Title: The Political Register and Congressional Directory: A statistical record of the federal officials, legislative

Year: 1878 Bost.

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Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Pope, Charles Henry

Title: English & Scotch immigrant ancestors of the Clapp-Cheney family

Year: 1900 Bost.

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Publisher: Harvard

Author: Pope, Charles Henry, 1841-1918

Title: The Pioneers of Maine & New Hampshire, 1623-1660. A descriptive list, drawn from Recods of the colonies, towns, churches, courts & other sou

Year: 1908 Bost

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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Pope, Joseph, 1854-1926

Title: Jacques Cartier, his life & voyages [New France -- Discovery & exploration]

Year: c1890Ottowa

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Publisher: VictoriaU(Can)

Author: Porter, Sarah Harvey

Title: The life & times of Anne Royall [1769-1854; nation's first newspaperwoman; writer]

Year: 1909CdrRpds

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Publisher: Harvard

Author: Portlock, Joseph Ellison

Title: Memoir of the Life of Maj-Gen. Colby ... w/a Sketch of the Origin & Progress of the Ordnance Survey of Great B

Year: 1869

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Publisher: Google

Author: Pound, Arthur & Richard E Day

Title: Johnson of the Mohawks: A Biography of Sir William Johnson, Irish Immigrant, Mohawk War Chief, American Soldie

Year: 1930 NY

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Macmillan

Author: Powell, C. Frank

Title: Life of Maj-Gen Zachary Taylor: ... account of his achievements on the Rio Grande; incl. defence of Fort Harri

Year: 1846 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Powell, C. Frank

Title: Life of Maj-Gen Zachary Taylor: ... account of his achievements on the Rio Grande; incl. defence of Fort Harri

Year: 1846 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: Columbia

Author: Pratt, Parley P

Title: Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt


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Author: Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859

Title: Mexico & the life of the conqueror Hernando Cortes, v 1 [illus.; bibliog.]

Year: 1900 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UCLA

Author: Price, Edward D.

Title: The Letters of Mildred's Mother to Mildred: Satirical sketches of stage life

Year: 1901 NY

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Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard

Author: Prince, Mary

Title: The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave [illus.]

Year: 1831

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Price: Free

Publisher: NYPL

Author: Prince, Nancy

Title: A Narrative of the Life & Travels of Mrs. Nancy Prince

Year: 1853 2ed.

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Publisher: NYPL

Author: Prout, Henry G.

Title: A Life Of George Westinghouse [1846-1914] [Amer. Soc. Engineers]

Year: 1921 NY

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Publisher: DigLibrIndia

Author: Prout, Henry G.

Title: A Life Of George Westinghouse [1846-1914] [Amer. Soc. Engineers] (copy 2?)

Year: 1921 NY

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Price: Free

Publisher: DigLibrIndia

Author: Pruvost, Rene

Title: Robert Greene et ses romans (1558-1592);: Contribution a l'histoire de la renaissance en Angleterre

Year: 1938

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Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Pupin, Michael Idvorsky 1858-1935

Title: From Immigrant to Inventor

Year: 1923 NY

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard

Author: Putnam, James Osborne, 1818-1903

Title: Nathan Kelsey Hall. Paper read before the society, Mar 30, 1874


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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Putnam, Samuel, 1892-1950

Title: Francois Rabelais, man of the Renaissance; a spiritual biography.

Year: 1930] Lond.

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Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Quaife, Milo Milton (ed.)

Title: Growing up with Southern Illinois, 1820-1861: From the Memoirs of Daniel Harmon Brush

Year: 1944

Format: Questia

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Publisher: LakesidePr

Author: Quebec (Prov.), Direction de l'inventair

Title: Arthur Tremblay: Forgeron de village [blacksmiths--Quebec ]

Year: 1978 Quebec

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Publisher: UCalgary

Author: Ragsdale, Hugh

Title: Paul I: A reassessment of his life and reign [Paul I, 1796-1801, emperor of Russia]

Year: 1979 Pittsb

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Publisher: UPittsburghPr

Author: Randall, George A.

Title: Illus. Atlas of Winnebago County, Wisc, ... map of the county [&] each township ... [illus., maps; 700+ biogs.

Year: 1889 Madsn

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Publisher: UWiscMadison

Author: Ransonnet, S.-F.-M.

Title: La vie de la venerable soeur Marguerite Bourgeois [Saint, 1620-1700], ... [Congregation de Notre-Dame de Mont

Year: 1818

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Publisher: UCalgary

Author: Rawlinson, George, 1812-1902

Title: A memoir of Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson... intro. by Lord Roberts of Kandahar

Year: 1898 Lond.

Price: Free

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